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Under favorable conditions, micro-organisms are responsible for biodegradation, produce enzymes that are capable of splitting the contaminant molecule - decomposing it into simpler parts, and finally to CO2 and H2O. Plant and animal fats, sugars, starch and bio-excrements are suitable food for micro-organisms in the Bilikuk S bacterial mixture. The exceptional quality of the microbiological solution Bilikuk S can be used in waste systems both to ensure permanent cleanness of the walls of the pipelines, pumps and sumps, and also to decrease the content of fats in sewerage according to the ...
Our company has already completed a great many complex research works in the area of pollution and hydrogeological studies. When carrying out more extensive studies, we proceed in inter-connected progressive stages. The actual extent and content of the research study is determined by the required targets of the work. We carry out complex studies in the entire profile or only in the zone of interest (e.g. the saturated and unsaturated zones). The target of our study, usually pollution, consists in understanding the pollution as best as possible and describing it so as to obtain sufficient ...
determination of the pollution investigative study of the pollution, including any necessary risk analysis, with determination of the target parameters economic-technical feasibility study submission and approval of the implementation project with the decision of the administrative authority, including a timetable for work and a financial calendar Site of implementation In situ Decontamination in situ is carried out directly in a geological environment that is sufficiently permeable, where optimum conditions can be created - e.g. biodegradation, bioventing, flushing (detergents), air ...
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